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Orange-a-topia The great humble city of orange by the sea wants to thank folks

Commander has added an enchanting table, anvil and brew staion for residents of orange

Wanted to say thank you!

The town of Orange has it all now.
1-Nether portal Compliments of Dnagerlowsi.  Thanks Danger That was a big one we appreciate it
2-Enchanting table
3-Public Brew station
4-Public anvil
5-Resident Farms for animals
6-Public food farms
7-Epic city walls to keep mobs out (compliments of Brainlesszombie5)
8-Public guests houses for travelers to build up supplies and move on or stay
9- deadliest mine on the map.. seriously don't go down there
10- Public shops space  ** WE have the most shops on the MAP
11- City snitches (compliments of Savanahmile, Brainlesszombie5, & Jerns)
12- City Bumpers to keep animals safe & city
13- City Horse stalls ( Coming soon )
14- MORE LAND TO BUILD** Expansion area is OPEN!

Beautiful homes in Orange that are not Orange ( Lupe's awesome house)
The cornerstone of the city Artensa island with Orange themed lighthouse
Atypicalmales private island mountain/lake home
Numbia's estate

Thank you every person who has contributed
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 11:32:15 am by SavanahMile »

Orange City photos,
Look we can sit

* 2014-01-25_12.42.19.png (660.59 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3711 times.)

* 2014-01-20_15.50.22.png (483.22 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3823 times.)

* 2014-01-25_12.42.07.png (496.8 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3761 times.)

* 2014-01-19_18.42.07.png (733.97 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3931 times.)

Just hanging out in teh great city or Orange

* 2014-01-01_16.09.56.png (304.69 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3733 times.)

* 2014-01-24_16.09.39.png (419.78 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3778 times.)

* 2014-01-21_17.09.50.png (799.8 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3766 times.)

* 2014-01-24_15.42.09.png (656.56 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3764 times.)

More pictures

* 2014-01-18_15.58.07.png (546.95 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3743 times.)

* 2014-01-12_12.28.47.png (861.3 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3744 times.)

* 2014-01-23_18.51.05.png (955.97 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3786 times.)

More pic's and more player pop ins at Orange city

* 2014-01-29_14.20.04.png (1363.63 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3712 times.)

* 2014-01-24_16.31.12.png (628.84 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3793 times.)

* 2014-01-22_09.36.46.png (606.92 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3741 times.)

more sitting people hee hee

* 2014-02-03_20.18.56.png (541.55 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3771 times.)

* 2014-02-02_10.43.38.png (538.29 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3758 times.)

New pictures of Music in Orange, Our NEW District Walls (Thnaks Brainlesszombie5-the build, Numia's stone donation)

Pictures of some of the Shops

* 2014-02-08_17.56.08.png (377.64 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3742 times.)

* 2014-02-07_16.01.46.png (654.01 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3696 times.)

* 2014-02-04_17.45.50.png (1141.96 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3725 times.)

Thank you all who have tried to make the city a better place

I really like Orange City! It's a pretty sweet place to be!

Well it's pretty Orange I will not lie about that, but good people

more pictures,

New section is nearing completetion

* 2014-02-08_20.48.01.png (164.98 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3595 times.)

* 2014-02-08_17.56.08.png (377.64 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3616 times.)

New shop post coming soon STAINED GLASS in ORANGE CITY.
Come buy make your place look great even if it is not orange.  hee hee

We have new space opening up in Orange city, great wall expansion project underway!

I think there should be a guild hall!

New homes!  Atypicalmale built a cool new home, Pictures of Aly's kindness of Cake!
And a Shanghai_kid, pigeonweed, Intangir, numia12 and Savanah at the map of the world in OC

* 2014-02-27_18.53.23.png (722.43 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3555 times.)

* 2014-02-23_21.19.52.png (295.46 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3551 times.)

* 2014-02-21_21.26.31.png (374.03 KB, 1600x838 - viewed 3579 times.)
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