I think a few people are confused on exactly what my job as a guild officer entitles. So I figured I'd take the time to figure this out. BTW, yes I come off as a huge bitch, but if you actually think about how I work and why I do the things I do, I'm sure you'll agree with them. Tough love baby!
1) Guild Rules:
http://returners.soulfire.cc/index.php?page=19Read them, memorize them, put them to use. I, personally, DO NOT tolerate any harassment, insult exchanges (aimed in a mean or degrading manner), threats and racial speech. Per the Constitution, you're allowed freedom of speech, however in this guild you are not free to be an outright dick. If you have an issue with someone, tell them, in a mature manner. If you cannot solve it between the two of you PRIVATELY then let me know and I will handle it. If I see this bad behavior in the guild chat, and I can't figure out who started it, I will exile all parties involved for 15 minutes. I don't like exiling people, but really, if you act like a child, I will treat you like one. Case closed. Certain topics bring certain emotions, personally I HATE politics, I get mad and angry, so I don't bring them up. Think before you type basically.
2) Guild Ranks:
http://returners.soulfire.cc/index.php?page=22I don't expect you to learn these but here's how it works. All NEW members are Dissidents. We don't know them, we can't trust them (not yet atleast), once we see they are active, they will be promoted to Rebel. If you prove to be a great person, a great player and a great asset to our guild, you'll adavnce to Renegade. For now those are the ranks along with Exile which means you're a 3 yr old in time out. Revllutionary will come once I can manage to get the raids going. Sons of Liberty are (per Chad's choice) PvP, anything higher is an officer.
Some have asked me what exactly can I do as an officer. Well simple. If you have an issue with another player and you can't handle it between you both, tell me. You have a suggestion or concern about the guild or another player, tell me. I can promote people, I can demote people, I can even kick someone now (if the need should arise) Personally as a player I want to start raiding within the guild. That forum will come later. So I can post guild runs on the calender. Also, I communicate all your thoughts/questions/comments/concerns back to Chadernook, the guild leader.
Classes: I'm good with mages but I don't know everything. My husband is good with pallies but he doesn't know everything, We are human, so use a machine and find your knowledge on google.
WoWhead.com, thottbot.com and elitistjerks.com are 3 good websites I use on a regular basis. I'm not saying to not ask another player, that should be the first thing you do, but if no one can help you, look online, and if you're a rogue, don't ask me about your class cause I really have NO idea. lol
Addons: I LOVE THEM! WoWMatrix is how I add and manage mine. A few that I like for all players to use are, Bagnon, Recount, Auctioneer, Diamond Threat meter, Atlas, Atlast Loot Advanced, and there are many amny more.
Skyrender/Judgementday, and I are on a different time zone than most of the guild. We are in Italy, we are 6 hours ahead of most of you. If some of you don't see us on, that is why. Not to mention things in Italy run slow, people wise. Us having internet is not a priority to them like it is in the states. So therefore, we're SOL. Jenovamother is a great in-game friend of ours, if we're not on to solve your issues, ask him.
Ventrillo: Great to use when playing with other players in the guild. Don't just give the info out to everyone and their mother. You can, but be advised, not everyone you meet will be honest about it. So just be careful with it. Also, just because an officer isn't in the vent at the time doesn't mean you can harrass people and not get caught.
Another quick note on the whole harrassment issue.
MichelleSpray@hotmail.com is my email address, if you need to, send me a screen shot of any harrassment, I can't really do much without actual proof. This basically means threats, and racial hate speech via whispers, not "ooh look so n so said he slept with my mom" Cause that I really don't care about.
So there you go. Have a great Day!