Actually ive heard someone complain about a ban on Linux with wine. A blizzard rep then said you can use wine, and you should not be banned if its "working properly" but that only Win/Mac were official OS'es you can install the game on... I dont know wtf he was implying there, almost like we was hinting at the fact you may (or may not) get banned, but if you do you are SOL.
The part that really pisses me off is how Blizzard is acting in this situation. Why are we criminals because we want a legit game (because Blizzard is 2 lazy to implement basic functionally like latency option).
Here is a quote from a post in my suggestion forum
In starcraft: Ability to view someone’s latency (green/yellow/red bars)
In war3: Nothing, nada. Third party App Needed.
In Starcraft: Ability to ban players from your games.
In war3: You only can kick someone (over and over). Third party App Needed.
In Stracraft: Ban, kick, host leaves, etc: Players get told what happened
In war3: No message box, no error, nothing. Just randomly popup in channel.
In Stracraft: Ability to set latency (low/med/high)
In war3: Nada, forced to use third party apps.
.... War3 should have improved those useful features, instead they were completely removed.
and yeah, I installed partypoker again. It was (apparently) trying to install a third party spyware.. But I was running comodo firwall so I denyed it (very powerful program that tells you when a program is trying to access stuff like: internet, registry keys (plural), other programs/files/processes, explorer, etc).