So yesterday I decided to veer away from my current projects and work on my second public farm for the server: a falling object duplicator. This duplicator would especially be useful because on here things like dirt and cobble also fall. However i recieved mixed feedback when talking about it. After coming on later last night a few friends expressed approval for it, and even intangir said that he'd be fine with it.
This is the duplicating machine: clear the air: no, I am not breaking or doing anything to the portal frame or the portal itself. Lots of people seem to think I am going to break it. I was merely stating I would create some space by pushing the back wall back and the ceiling raised a bit to make space for the machine.
Unfortunately, someone had a knee jerk reaction and encased the portal room with obsidian, and iron doors that could only be accessed by trusted people. We dont actually know who did this but a lot of people seem to have ideas. Among the people locked out are me, vbelac, and even the server owner himself. Not to mention anyone new who decides they want to explore the end. At this time, a lot of players express that the end isnt something that a small group of people can own, and that these restrictions be removed immediately.
Now, because of these mixed feelings about the farm, this thread will be dedicated to the discussion of its existance. I for one believe that not only should a public duplication farm be built at a public end portal (owned by the public btw lololol), but it would be in everyones best interest since, from what ive heard, a current design for sand duplication is broken.
Let me know what you guys think, should we build it? How should we build it?
-Zev aka floor c: